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Next js + Spring Boot online course with live classes

  • Live online IT courses
    Duration: 5 weeks

Are you looking to level up your web development skills by mastering Next.js and Spring Boot? Look no further! Our comprehensive Next.js online course offers you the perfect opportunity to learn these powerful technologies from industry experts, with the added advantage of live classes. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will equip you with the knowledge and hands-on experience you need to build modern, scalable, and high-performance web applications. Join us today and unlock your full development potential!

This online course is primarly based on Next.js framework but for covering backend api connectivity we will use Spring Boot and Java. Duration of the course is from 5 weeks. Each of the below topics is covered in live classes. Every problem students face is resolved on the spot.

Course Outline

  1. Why use Next js and advantages of Next js over React js.
  2. Routing in Next js.
  3. Page rendering and data fetching in Next js.
  4. Calling spring Boot based api from a next js app.
  5. Authentication in Next js.
  6. How to choose between CSR, SSR rendering techniques.
  7. Serverless Functions in Next js.
  8. Using tailwind and bootstrap css inside a Next js project.
  9. Implementing SEO in a Next js app.
  10. Using Cypress for End-to-End (E2E) and Integration Testing.
  11. Adding Social icons into a Next js app.
  12. Check in next js to Github and deploy Next js app to Vercel. Also covers domain linking from godaddy.com to Vercel.
  13. Using Google Analytic inside Next js app.
  14. How to debug a Next js application in Visual Studio Code.
  15. Integrate Next js with Spring Boot.

Why Next.js and Spring Boot?

Next.js and Spring Boot are two incredibly popular frameworks in the web development world. Next.js is a React framework that simplifies the process of building server-side rendered (SSR) and static websites. It offers features like automatic code splitting, server-side rendering, and built-in routing, making it an excellent choice for creating fast and SEO-friendly web applications.

On the other hand, Spring Boot is a powerful Java framework for building enterprise-grade backend applications. It provides a convention-over-configuration approach, allowing developers to focus on writing business logic rather than boilerplate code. Spring Boot's vast ecosystem, robust security features, and seamless integration with other Spring projects make it a top choice for building scalable and maintainable backend systems.

Course Highlights:

Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers the fundamentals and advanced concepts of Next.js and Spring Boot, ensuring you have a solid foundation in both frameworks. You'll learn about routing, data fetching, authentication, serverless deployment, API development, and much more.

Live Classes: Unlike pre-recorded courses, our live classes offer an interactive learning experience. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions, participate in discussions, and receive real-time feedback from our experienced instructors. The live format ensures a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

Hands-on Projects: Theory alone isn't enough to become a proficient developer. That's why our course includes hands-on projects that allow you to apply what you've learned. You'll build real-world web applications using Next.js for the frontend and Spring Boot for the backend, gaining valuable practical experience.

Collaboration and Networking: Our course encourages collaboration and networking among participants. You'll have access to a dedicated online community where you can interact with fellow learners, share ideas, and even collaborate on projects. This network can be invaluable for your professional growth.

Flexibility and Convenience: We understand that everyone has different schedules and commitments. That's why our live classes are scheduled at various times to accommodate different time zones. If you can't attend a live session, don't worry! All classes are recorded and made available for on-demand viewing.

Conclusion: Mastering Next.js and Spring Boot opens up a world of possibilities for your web development career. Our online course with live classes provides an immersive and interactive learning experience that will empower you to build robust, scalable, and efficient web applications. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from industry experts and join a community of like-minded developers. Enroll in our course today and take your development skills to new heights!